• All In One

    Manage your aircraft, instructors, students and bookings all from one place.

  • Mobile Friendly

    Access anywhere, from any device, on the go, 24 x 7.

  • Notifications & Weather

    Keep everyone in the loop in realtime, with booking changes and weather updates

Increase Aircraft Utilisation

A key driver of your school income is the hours run on your fleet.

Take control with Cavok and reduce student NDAs, fill empty slots and ensure instructors are available when needed.

Improve Customer Service

Reduce student frustration by streamlining their booking experience.

Concise booking flow, clear summaries, timely notifications help minimise mistakes, delays and help the school run like clockwork.

Make Staff Happy

Put your staff in control. Reduce repetitive tasks, cut down on telephone calls. Helps admin and instructors to be more efficient.


Start a 5 day Free Trial or arrange a Demo with our team.

Feature List

Review our comprehensive features that will grow your flight school

Powered by Pooleys

Cavok has been developed in partnership with Pooleys.com, a leading provider of a pilot supplies to the aviation community. In 2024, the software was fully updated to reflect the new needs of flight schools throughout the world.